Managing psychosocial hazards at work

What you need to know.

State governments across Australia have renewed their focus on psychosocial hazards in the workplace.

Every employer, no matter the size or industry, should quickly acquaint themselves with their obligations under the Code and Regulations.

The bad news is that failure to comply carries significant penalties for both the organisation and its managers.

The good news is that employers can go beyond simple compliance and gain significant additional benefits.

The same approach that reduces psychosocial hazards can also improve staff retention, overall productivity and customer satisfaction.

How we can help

  • Identify psychosocial hazards

  • Assess risks

  • Implement effective control measures

  • Monitor and review control measures

Conductor’s unique methodology follows WorkSafe’s recommended approach.

It helps organisations:

While this approach helps organisation leaders recognise and mitigate psychosocial hazards, it also helps leaders understand how they can support their staff to perform even better.

How Conductor works

Conductor is the workforce improvement platform for businesses seeking to manage and address psychosocial hazards and risks.

Our tools and solutions allow you to assess, analyse, prioritise and support your organisation’s people and performance.

Our actionable insights enable you to identify specific risks and hazard areas, capitalise on opportunities and provide leader driven solutions to manage and minimise workplace psychosocial hazards. All this so your organisation can perform with confidence.

Conductor is an iterative process for developing and strengthening good leadership practices that are key to developing safe, productive and inclusive teams. We guide best practices that support leaders to develop psychologically safe teams and address psychosocial hazards whilst responding to the demands of their roles.  

Our system continues to get smarter about your organisation over time, providing deeper insights into the factors impacting performance, and providing opportunities for leaders to make strategic decisions without losing performance capability.

Learn more at our next webinar

“Conductor not only helped us internally to be better leaders, but showed us how to communicate better with our stakeholders using continuous collaborative conversations. The Circular Leadership approach was far more culturally appropriate and consistent with the people of Fiji”